Saturday, April 5, 2014

What is a Kimono? When and why are they worn?

Example of a Kimono

The kimono is a Japanese traditional garment. The word "kimono" literally means a "thing to wear" Kimono are T-shaped, straight-lined robes worn so that the hem falls to the ankle, with attached collars and long, wide sleeves. Kimono are wrapped around the body, always with the left side over the right (except when dressing the dead for burial)  and secured by a sash called an "obi", which is tied as the back. Kimono are generally worn with traditional footwear and split toe socks.
Today, kimono are most often worn by women, and on special occasions. Traditionally, unmarried women wore a style of kimono called "furisode", with almost floor-length sleeves, on special occasions. A few older women and even fewer men still wear the kimono on a daily basis. Men wear the kimono most often at weddings, tea ceremonies, and other very special or very formal occasions. Professional sumo wrestlers are often seen in the kimono  because they are required to wear traditional Japanese dress whenever appearing in public.

Below are some examples of modern day citizens wearing a kimono .

Tea Ceremony. When tea ceremonies are being done the Japanese people often wear a kimono during it due to the formality of the occasion and it is also tradition to do so.

Japanese Wedding Ceremony. Notice how everyone is wearing a kimono. This is one of those times when tradition is still practiced.

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