Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Japanese Music of Today!

In one of my earlier blogs I talked about traditional Japanese music, so it only makes sense that I talk about today's music as well. Now at this point in time Japan has been exposed to westernized culture so the music is much different than what it was 200 years ago. Of course this is to be expected. Anyways, in this blog I'm going to be expressing some of my favorite Japanese bands that I actually discovered while researching my Senior Project which was actually about Japanese Entertainment.
One OK Rock - Clock Strikes

In the above music video is a song by one of my favorite Japanese bands. It's a rock band known as One OK Rock. The actual genre of rock music in Japan is called J-Rock, pop music is called J-Pop, and rap is called J-Rap and etc. Anyways, I love this band because their sound is so genuine and this song just connects to me, even though most of the song is in Japanese, their are parts in english too and this band, even though they are international artists, they still connect to you somehow. They were just a small band of friends from tokyo and they just blew up and there was a reason for that, they are AWESOME! I highly suggest this band for everyone to listen too! This is just one of their many songs that I thoroughly enjoy. :)

Nobodyknows - Hero's Come Back

Now this isn't a band, it's more of a group, a rap group to be specific, or a j-rap group I should call it. This group is called Nobodyknows, supposed to be two words but hey they are just cool enough to make it one! This song "Hero's Come Back" is a very popular song and is in multiple movies and is the theme song to the well known anime "Naruto". If you are reading this blog and don't know about anime, I talk about it in my previous blogs so take a look :). But anyways, back to this group! This group kind of took the westernized culture a little too far but it's so hilariously awesome and this song is actually good and entertaining so honestly even though they took the hip hop cultures stereotype and multiplied it by like 50, it's okay because they made good music! If you wanna listen there's a video above :).

Hope all my fellow bloggers and readers enjoyed this blog! 

                                                                                                   ~ The Man Who's A Fan Of Japan

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